Monday:Naming Angles
Warm Up: Unit 2 - #6 - Hand out
Stamp-sheets: homemade stamp sheets
(M-T-W-R-F) ( homework, on task notes, on task classwork) (bonus)]
Notes: More on triangle inequality - patty paper and 1 ruler
Notes: what is an angle?
Classwork: C+ hand out, B+ hand out A+ hand out
Homework: Finish the A+ (only 2 people finished early in class)
Tuesday:Vertical Angles
Warm Up: WU#7 - tiny hand out
Notes:Vertical Angles
Classwork C+ B+ A+
Homework: Hand out # 20-28 all.
Wednesday: Finish Vertical Angles with Algebra
Warm Up: #8 on the board
Classwork: C+ B+ and A+
Homework: finish A+ assignment
Thursday: Review for quiz
Warm Up: #9 On the board
Stamps: 6 Questions (On the board)
Stations: Table hand outs - do not write on
Homework: Hand out Practice Quiz
Friday: Quiz
Pt. I - Triangle Inequality
Pt. II - Naming Angles
Pt. III - Vertical Angles
Friday Homework: Organize your notes: Turn them in Monday hole punched and bounded with rubber bands.
1. Hip to be Square
2. Triangle inequality
3. Naming Angles
4. Vertical Angles
tutor me.